Consolidations masterclass: Automate a report in 10 minutes



Tyler Caskey CA, Partner at TheBeanCounters, delivers a masterclass in how to automate consolidated reporting.  

Tyler demonstrates how to produce a consolidated report in under 10 minutes and outlines his approach to making consolidations simple, fast, and accurate.  

Tyler’s process is informed by his overarching framework:  

  • Simplify
  • Eradicate
  • Automate
  • Delegate  

Tyler uses the apps Xero, Fathom, and Mayday in his consolidation tech stack.  

Tyler demonstrates importing source files from Xero, using Fathom to automate the consolidations, and using Mayday to ensure inter-entity loans balance. These three apps work harmoniously together, are simple to connect, and make it easy to check everything is accurate.  

TheBeanCounters is based in Sydney, Australia, and serves clients worldwide. The firm specialises in helping businesses scope and implement systems, automate projects and reporting, and provides outsourced CFO services.  

Learn how to

  • Make the consolidation process easy, faster, and accurate
  • Connect accounting files to Fathom and automate inter-entity loan balances
  • Create consolidation eliminations and journals
  • Simplify the chart of accounts and produce a one-page consolidated P&L

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About your presenter
About your presenters
Tyler Caskey

Tyler Caskey, CA | CFO, Partner at TheBeanCounters

Tyler is an experienced CFO and Accounting Partner who specialises in improving high-performance finance and IT functions, and optimising business performance and reporting.

TheBeanCounters is headquartered in Sydney, Australia. Tyler most likely went for an early morning jog on Bondi Beach before our interview.  

Tyler loves taking the risk out of businesses changing their systems and processes. He resonates with leaders who create safe, creative environments, encourage extraordinary, and accept failure as part of the process for success.  

Tyler is most proud of the people he’s hired and worked with.  

Connect with Tyler on LinkedIn | TheBeanCounters  


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